
We invite YOU to join "Portland's Experts" for the first ever,  Mini Urban Retreat.  We will explore how to optimize our financial and physical health and wellbeing in 2011.  Our expert panel will educate you on strategies related to personal training, nutrition consulting, business and personal coaching.  We want YOU, to take some time out from your hectic schedule and focus totally on YOU to ensure that 2011 truly will become YOUR best year yet.  As women, we tend to focus most of our energies on taking care of everybody around us and, as a result, our own self-care tends to fall by the way side. And as the saying goes, "if mama's not happy, nobody's happy"!  So take that first bold new year's step by signing up for the limited spots available for the first ever, 'Mini-Urban Retreat for Women' and then relax and look forward to this unique experience of restoration and enrichment.  Only $40 for this half-day retreat, including lunch.

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